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#ExpeditieRED: Teach Others to Swim, Save Lives - Discover How!

ExpeditieRED Explorer

You have to get all badges from the list below
Congratulations! You've taken the first step. You've earned the playlist badge 'ExpeditieRED Explorer.' Now you can start helping others with swimming and perhaps even save lives. This playlist provides general information about ExpeditieRED.
You've gained insight into how ExpeditieRED works and what you could do during your civic service. You also know how to earn badges on the City of Learning platform and how to make them available to parties interested in your MDT activities.
You've completed the 'Life-saving Techniques' workshop by Schok & Pomp, enabling you to perform CPR and provide initial aid.
You've registered for ExpeditieRED and filled out the first questionnaire for monitoring MDT participants.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
In this introduction to our MDT program, there are 7 activities, each resulting in a badge. Five activities are mandatory to receive a certificate, but you will earn a badge for all 7 activities.

  • The workshop 'Introduction to MDT.' This is the first mandatory workshop organized by ExpeditieRED. We'll discuss how MDT works and what you can do as a volunteer to teach children and adults how to swim and ensure they keep swimming. Upon completion of this workshop, you'll receive a badge.
  • Fill out the 'Registration Form' and earn your second badge,
  • Discover Open Badges, and delve into the meaning and value of digital badges. Discover how they emphasize our societal impact.
  • The workshop 'Life-saving Techniques' by Schok & Pomp. Here, you'll learn how to best act in emergency situations and what actions to take. You'll also learn CPR. Every minute can be crucial for the survival chances of the victim. This workshop is mandatory because these basic skills are essential for every MDT participant. You'll receive the 'Helping Hand' badge for this.
  • You can also participate in the 'Welcome to the Club' workshop by Pro4Sport. It's up to the association or us to organize this workshop, but the association can benefit greatly from your participation. This workshop focuses on how we can retain youth within an association and how we can actively involve them more in what the association does and needs. This workshop is not mandatory, but you'll receive a badge to show that you want to be a valuable member of your association.
  • Join the Youth Panel, where you can make your voice heard by actively contributing with advice, questions, and proposals. This activity is voluntary and earns a minimum of 20 MDT hours.
  • Fill out questionnaires at the beginning and end of your MDT trajectory. You'll receive the link to these questionnaires from the research agency Verian. By doing this, you help MDT collect crucial information for reporting to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW).


#ExpeditieRED: Teach Others to Swim, Save Lives - Discover How!
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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