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Water Activities facilitator

Water Activities Supervisor

You have to get all badges from the list below
Congratulations on earning the playlist badge "Water Activities Assistent". You have gained the necessary insight into the topics listed below in 40 hours and have been trained in applying them. Subsequently, as part of your MDT trajectory, you have performed 40 hours of activities chosen in the role of assistent. These activities have been assessed by a qualified assessor at the internationally recognized NLQF level 1, or higher if indicated for the topics.
A level 1 assistent carries out tasks under the ultimate responsibility of someone else. That person directs you, and you assist them. You perform assigned tasks related to facilitating participants. You ensure that materials or other necessities for the activities are provided. You also check if the environment is "safe" for the participants and involve the responsible party if you deem it necessary. You set a good example yourself. While you may not be an expert in the content of the activities, you can successfully provide instructions and carry out tasks. You have learned to guide children and their parents with the Fibby. The Fibby is a TUV-certified tool that allows children to move their arms and legs. They learn faster and have more freedom of movement than with other aids.
If, in addition to the mandatory water specialization Fibby, you have chosen other specializations, you have received a separate, identifiable badge for those.
You have been trained in first aid for drowning victims, ensuring the safety of the environment for children, guiding participants, giving instructions, and assisting with events. In the badges, you can see if you have done this only with the Fibby or also in ABC diploma swimming, star plan, wet gym class, Swimming `APK´, or with migrants.
Task no.1
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The MDT program for an assessor is outlined in the playlist: 'Assistent of Water Activities'. There are 5 tasks for a assistent. We apply everything to the swimming specialization with the Fibby, which is a certified tool that allows children to move their arms and legs much more in the water. Children get a better sense of balance and how to move around. They feel safer quickly.
Within each task, multiple activities are addressed, and you can earn a badge for each component. Additionally, you review the presentations and complete the assignments. Once you have completed them all, you will receive the playlist badge 'Assistent of Water Activities'. If you like, you can also choose an additional swimming specialization. The training will take you 40 hours. Training in another specialization will require an additional 4 hours, and you will receive a separate badge for that.

ExpeditieRED stands for quality.
For the playlist badge, the Sports Qualification Structure 2022 has been used, as we want to provide you with a certificate that clearly outlines what you have done and how we have assessed it. Everything you need to do is documented in activities, for which you will receive a badge. The 40 hours of training activities include:
  • The lessons you attend
  • The presentations you read
  • The assignments you complete
For the 40 hours of work you perform, you will receive one or more separate badges, so it is clear:
  • How many hours of experience you have gained with what you have learned
  • What you have contributed to socially relevant matters
You work through everything step by step. Once everything is completed, you can demonstrate to associations or employers what you have done in the 80 hours of MDT.

In the Supervisor of Water Activities figure, you can see what you learn and do as an assistent. On the left are the assignments, which lead to a badge. We have grouped them into tasks so that you can successfully improve your activities. Each task has several activities associated with it. Once you have completed all of them, you will receive a badge for each activity. The figure indicates how many badges there are per task and how many hours of training are allocated to each task.

For Task 1, you must earn two badges to be able to work as an assistent in water sports. To earn the task badge, you must be able to rescue someone on land and in the water. In Tasks 2, 3, and 4, you will learn how to perform your duties better and what is required. Task 5 represents the MDT activities you have performed during the 6 months. You will be assessed at the end on how you performed these activities. You will also earn a badge for this, but no grade.


Water Activities facilitator
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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