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Trainer Competitive Swimming

Playlist Competitive Swimming Coach

You have to get all badges from the list below
Congratulations on earning the playlist badge! You are now a Level 2 trainer according to the NLQF standard. You have obtained an official KNZB Level 2 coaching diploma for competitive swimming, which you must register here as proof. However, you have gone above and beyond the requirements for this diploma. In addition to completing the workshop 'First Aid for Drowning Victims' and becoming certified in CPR, you have also completed 40 hours of training as a coach and have been evaluated thereafter. We use the same protocol for evaluation, or one of a higher level if you are functioning at a higher level, which is visible in the badges.
For the KNZB Level 2 diploma, you have learned to conduct training sessions, guide competitions, and assist in events. You have learned to create and maintain a safe environment, deliver training sessions not of your own design, independently execute them, and adjust the training schedule as needed for your swimmers. You understand the different swimming strokes, can explain exercises, and provide guidance. At competitions, you can provide individual guidance to children and young people and handle competition formalities. However, you work under the responsibility of a club coach, who also designs the training programs, competition plans, and annual schedules.

In addition to competitive swimming, you can earn badges at Level 2 in lifesaving, water polo, and fin swimming. Your evaluation will be at the same level as for competitive swimming, and you will receive a separate badge for each specialization.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
The training and duties to become a coach are outlined in a playlist consisting of a total of 5 tasks that you must complete. Each task contains the activities that you need to perform. So, everything you do is documented in these activities.
For each learning activity, there are workshops and team meetings. The corresponding presentations can also be reviewed at home. Additionally, in a separate task with its associated activity, you will complete one or more homework assignments that will be submitted and assessed.
For each activity you complete, you will receive a badge. This serves as evidence that you have completed that particular component.
The final task is comprised of 'activities within MDT'. You will also receive badges for this, and if you have completed all the required hours (usually around 45) of training and have been evaluated at level 2 or higher. The latter may be the case if you take on more responsibility by creating training sessions or organizing events.
You will conclude your MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Training) journey with an evaluation. This evaluation will focus on what you have learned and the experiences you have gained. We will also inquire about areas for improvement from the perspective of ExpeditieRED or aspects that could have been handled differently within the program.
Once you have obtained all the badges, you will also receive the playlist badge. This signifies that you have done more than what is required for a KNZB Level 2 coaching diploma. Therefore, in addition to the KNZB Level 2 coaching diploma, you will also receive a certificate from ExpeditieRED.

For the playlist, we follow the structure set by the KNZB, as you will receive an official KNZB diploma if you are a member of a KNZB club. To obtain a KNZB diploma, you must complete all tasks in the electronic learning environment Flowsparks provided by the KNZB. ExpeditieRED will then issue all the badges you have earned, so you don't need to do any extra work. We will validate the badges for you. For a KNZB Level 2 coaching diploma, you are currently required to participate in competitive swimming. If you wish to pursue another specialization, such as water polo, lifesaving, or fin swimming, you can easily obtain an additional badge in a few hours.

Your Tasks
Tasks 1 and 5 are additional tasks added for MDT beyond the requirements set by the KNZB. This does not entail additional work, as many trainees are already active at their clubs during this period. If you are, this time counts toward the six-month duration of your MDT.

Below are the badges you can earn in this ExpeditieRED playlist:
Task 1 must be completed to become a coach. You will receive a badge upon demonstrating the ability to rescue a drowning victim and knowing what actions to take in such situations. This task also includes obtaining a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG), as it is a requirement to work in sports. Additionally, in this task, you can also obtain a first aid certificate from the Red Cross in approximately 20 extra hours.

Tasks 2, 3, and 4 are mandatory both for the KNZB and for us. These tasks involve 'guiding lessons,' 'guiding competitions,' and 'guiding events.'
The badges in Task 2 are earned for activities related to creating a safe environment, teaching competitive swimming techniques, providing instructions and explanations, and guiding young athletes.
Task 3 badges are related to guiding competitions and ensuring that competition formalities are handled smoothly.
Task 4 badges are earned for guiding athletes at events and executing event plans.

You will be trained as a competitive swimming coach, but you can also choose additional specializations such as water polo, lifesaving, or fin swimming. You can earn separate Level 2 badges for each specialization with just a few hours of additional work.

Task 5 involves the MDT activities you perform at your club or with Pro4Sport. All your duties are included in this task. You must complete approximately 40 hours for MDT, so that, combined with your training, you accumulate 80 hours in six months.

What is expected of you as a Level 2 coach in Task 5: MDT Activities?
  • You will carry out your duties within an organization where, in principle, everything is arranged for you, and with colleagues you know. You will be assigned a group with whom you will work independently, and there will be someone available for you to ask questions.
  • You will work independently with the group and execute training programs provided by others. You will inquire about anything you don't understand and tailor exercises to suit the group's abilities.
  • You will be responsible for conducting training sessions and guiding your group of athletes during both training sessions and competitions.
  • You will approach the group with enthusiasm and guide participants in a positive and respectful manner. You will ask participants about their progress, whether they can continue, and if they feel they are making progress.
  • You will ensure a safe and enjoyable training environment.
  • Afterwards, you will review whether what you wanted to achieve has been accomplished and consider what you could do differently to improve. You will continuously learn and strive to enhance what can be done better.

Final Evaluation
You will receive the playlist badge if you:
  • have completed the corresponding activities,
  • have submitted all homework assignments,
  • have had your homework approved by Pro4Sport,
  • have been confirmed by the KNZB or Pro4Sport as having completed the task.

All badges, the KNZB diploma, and the ExpeditieRED certificate are stored in the Cities of Learning platform of ExpeditieRED. You can grant employers or other parties permission to view your badges and certificates. This can be useful for job applications or in your work to showcase your experiences.


Trainer Competitive Swimming
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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