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Swimming Instructor

Swimming Instructor

You have to get all badges from the list below
You have obtained the KNZB Instructor 2 diploma for ABC swimming. This is a diploma at NLQF level 2. With this, you are officially qualified to train people to obtain their ABC swimming diplomas. You have also earned the 'First Aid for Drowning Victims' badge. For the KNZB diploma, you have mastered the tasks of 'teaching', 'assisting with skill assessments', and 'assisting with events'. You have demonstrated these tasks in your MDT activities for at least 40 hours and received positive evaluations. If you have performed at a higher level during these 40 hours (for example, by taking on significantly greater responsibilities), this is noted in the evaluation of your activities.

Additionally, if you have chosen a specialization other than ABC swimming (such as Fibby swimming, Star Plan, Wet Gym, APK swimming, or Migrants) and have completed it, you have received a separate badge for this specialization, also at NLQF level 2.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
The instructor program is outlined in a playlist, where all your activities are recorded. A playlist is a list of all the activities you need to complete. For each learning activity, there are workshops and team meetings. The associated presentations can also be reviewed at home. Additionally, you will complete one or more homework assignments, which must be submitted and assessed.

For every activity you complete, you earn a badge, serving as proof of your accomplishment. These badges are aligned with the structure followed by the KNZB (Royal Dutch Swimming Federation), as membership in a KNZB club grants you an official KNZB diploma. Therefore, no extra work is required on your part. We will sign off on the badges for you. For a KNZB Instructor 2 diploma, you are currently required to complete ABC swimming. If you wish to pursue any of the other specializations, you can easily obtain such specialization as an additional badge in just a few hours. You will receive a certificate for each specialization.

The final task consists of the activities within the MDT (Maatschappelijke Dienst Tijd: Social Service Time). These are divided into multiple activities, and you will earn badges for completing all the required hours (approximately 45 hours).

You will conclude your MDT journey with an evaluation, focusing on what you have learned and the experiences you have gained. Additionally, we will inquire about any areas for improvement from the perspective of ExpeditieRED or any aspects of the entire journey that could have been handled differently.

Upon completing the entire playlist and earning all the badges, you will receive a certificate from ExpeditieRED, as well as a KNZB diploma (further details below). All badges, certificates, and the diploma will be available on the ExpeditieRED Cities of Learning platform. You may grant permission to employers or other parties to view your badges and certificates, which can be advantageous for job applications or in your professional endeavors to showcase these experiences.

The playlist for instructor 2 (NLQF 3) consists of:
In the Swimming Instructor Figure, it describes what you as an instructor learn and do.

On the left are the tasks. The activities are arranged per task in the blue fields, and the badges you can earn per task are on the right. The number of hours you spend on each task is indicated. The tasks are:
  1. Task 1 is added extra for MDT, and the badges to be obtained there are defined. We believe that you should be well-prepared at the poolside. That's why task 1.
  2. Task 5 is also specific to MDT. It outlines the activities you do for MDT at your club or for Pro4Sport. This can be anything you do for the club outside of your training. This does not entail additional work. Many instructors in training are already at the pool with their club. If that's the case, that time counts towards the six-month period of MDT. Each of your various activities (course, workshop, event) has its own badge when the activities are completed. You only need one of these badges to obtain the certificate or diploma. You also receive badges for each combination of these activities if you have completed all activities together for the required hours (approximately 45 hours).
  3. Tasks 2, 3, and 4 are mandatory for KNZB and also for us. These are the tasks 'assisting in lessons,' 'assisting in skill tests' (the exams for ABC diploma), and 'assisting in events.' This can range from a Saint Nicholas evening to a recruitment event or club recruitment event. For tasks 2, 3, and 4, you can earn at least 4 badges
  • if you have completed the associated activities,
  • submitted all homework,
  • have been approved by Pro4Sport,
  • if KNZB or Pro4Sport have indicated the task as completed.

If you want to pursue multiple specializations, you can earn separate badges for them. You have the choice of ABC swimming (always mandatory if you want a KNZB diploma) and Fibby swimming, Stars plan, Wet gym class, APK swimming, or Migrants. You can add a swimming specialization with just a few hours of work.

What is expected of you as an instructor?
  • You perform tasks at an organization where everything is generally arranged for you and with colleagues you know. You will be assigned a group to work with independently. There is someone you can turn to with your questions.
  • You work independently with groups and implement lesson plans provided by others. You ask about what you don't understand and adjust exercises according to what the group can handle.
  • You are responsible for conducting lessons and guiding your group of participants in the lesson and during skill tests.
  • You are enthusiastic towards the group and guide participants in a positive and respectful manner. You ask participants if they are succeeding, if they can continue, and if they feel they are making progress.
  • You ensure a safe and pleasant lesson.
  • You review afterwards if what you wanted to happen did happen and what you would like to do differently.
  • You learn and improve what can be better. You possess a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG): separate badge.
  • You have earned badge 1.1 'First aid to drowning victims.'


Swimming Instructor
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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