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ZRZ - Swimming Pool Supervisor


You must demonstrate the following in practice:

1. On dry land, apply the following actions successively for liberation from:
a. The double wrist grip,
b. The forward grip,
c. The backward grip.

2. Rescue of a submerged drowning victim. Go into the water from the pool edge in a prompt, safe, and responsible manner. This is immediately followed by swimming 10 meters in a free style with the head above water. Then, perform a corner dive, in water of at least 2 meters deep, retrieve a mannikin located on the bottom, and show it to the examiner.

3. Various personal skills:
  • Enter the water from the pool edge promptly, safely, and responsibly, immediately followed by swimming underwater for 15 meters while bringing up a ring located at a depth of at least 2 meters and 15 meters from the shore.
  • Enter the water from the pool edge promptly, safely, and responsibly, immediately followed by swimming 25 meters in polo front crawl with the head above water. This distance must be covered within 30 seconds.
  • Demonstrate skills to avoid grabbing (approaching with a floating rescue or aid device).
  • Liberation in the water from a double wrist grip, forward or backward grip, and then transporting for 10 meters in an appropriate transport grip. Other skills to enter the water promptly, safely, and responsibly.

4. Transport grips:
Enter the water from the pool edge promptly, safely, and responsibly while keeping the pseudo-drowning victim in sight, then transport a clothed pseudo-drowning victim for a distance of 50 meters using 4 transport grips. The transport grips must be performed consecutively, without losing contact with the victim.

5. Stabilizing a victim suspected of spinal injury using at least two stabilization grips described in the manual.

6. Wet or dry rescues according to scenario:
Perform a real wet/dry rescue according to provided scenario (minimum 2) where the pseudo-drowning victim(s) and pool staff from the group of candidates are designated by the examiner. Use a previously described rescue or aid device.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
The adequate execution of all examination requirements. What is considered adequate is determined by an eassessor who follows a protocol for this purpose and can indicate afterwards what did not go well enough.


ZRZ - Task 6 - Practical Exam
ZRZ - Swimming Pool Supervisor
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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