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ExpeditieRED - Youth Panel


ExpeditieRED - Youth Panel



Consider joining the ExpeditieRED Youth Panel. Here, you can actively contribute by providing advice, asking questions, and making proposals. You can also incorporate this activity into your MDT execution. If you're interested, please contact the project leader Sandra van Lohuizen. Contact Sandra van Lohuizen via 📧 Lohuizen.a@gmail.com or 📱06-34190854.

Get activity badge

Panel pionier Get this badge

You have proudly participated in the ExpeditieRED youth panel, where you voiced your opinions by actively contributing with advice, questions, and proposals. Earn this badge as recognition for your efforts as a pioneer, which has had a positive impact on ExpeditieRED.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Step 1: 🗣️ Actively participate in the ExpeditieRED youth panel.
Step 2: 🤝 Provide valuable advice, ask questions, and make constructive proposals to contribute to ExpeditieRED.
Step 3: 🌟 Earn this badge as recognition for your active involvement and impact on the further development of ExpeditieRED.
Task no.2
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Step 1: 🔄 Take a moment for a personal reflection on your active participation in the ExpeditieRED youth panel.
Step 2: 🤔 Consider how your contributions have added value and what insights you have gained.
Step 3: ✍️ Write a brief reflection describing how you can further enhance the value of your contributions.

With this reflection task, you not only demonstrate active participation but also the willingness to continuously grow and have an even greater impact on ExpeditieRED! 🌐
Civic competence
Added to playlist (1)
Time to complete: 20 hours



Used in playlists

#ExpeditieRED: Teach Others to Swim, Save Lives - Discover How!
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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