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Trainer - Task 2.1 - Guiding in Training: Introduction


Trainer - Task 2.1 - Guiding in Training: Introduction



In this activity, you will participate in the following workshops:
  • How to interact with athletes and guide them effectively?
  • How to conduct a training session based on a provided training program?
  • What instructions and guidance to give regarding swimming technique?
  • How to execute a training plan and prepare for it?
  • How to evaluate the session and assess its effectiveness?

These workshops focus on executing a lesson according to the designated training program and ensuring smooth and orderly training sessions. You will put the knowledge gained from the workshops into practice under the guidance of a practical supervisor. The supervisor will provide you with several training programs to execute. Afterward, you will discuss the execution together, reflecting on what went well and identifying areas for improvement.
The substantive knowledge primarily revolves around teaching and ingraining correct techniques and guiding athletes effectively. You will learn how to organize your training sessions and execute training programs, adapting them to your group in a manner that fosters a safe learning environment and enjoyable experience for the athletes.

To perform this task effectively, it is crucial that you:
  • Listen attentively to the athletes.
  • Understand their needs and concerns.
  • Tailor your guidance to the specific needs of the athletes.
Recognize that training approaches may vary depending on the athletes' age and experience level.
Learn how to handle situations where athletes may not be at their best, such as just before their birthday or a holiday.
Establish trust with the participants and maintain a positive and structured environment while allowing room for individuality.
Be familiar with various learning methodologies and ensure a safe learning environment, addressing any instances of bullying or threats promptly and informing your supervisor of any incidents.

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WaterTrainingLeader Get this badge

If you have obtained this badge, you are capable of leading training sessions for an assigned group. You ensure that the training takes place in a safe and pleasant environment with a positive atmosphere. You can assess and evaluate the athletes' performance and the overall functioning of the group. You execute the training program, providing appropriate instructions and guidance. Afterwards, you evaluate how the training went and identify areas for improvement or adjustments for the next session.
Task no.1
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To fulfill the task of "guiding during training sessions," the following subtasks need to be accomplished:
1. Guiding athletes during training sessions
  • Ensure guidance aligns with the athletes' needs.
  • Support a positive learning environment.
  • Ensure both social and physical safety.

2. Conducting training sessions
  • Ensure that the training sessions are planned in collaboration with the coach and tailored to the athletes' needs.

3. Explaining techniques and training methods
  • Ensure that the athletes understand the exercises.
  • Ensure that athletes engage in and learn from the exercises.

4. Evaluating training sessions and reflecting on one's own actions
  • Focus the evaluation on both the process and outcomes of the training session.
  • Engage in self-reflection to gain insights into one's strengths and areas for improvement in guiding training sessions.

The effectiveness of fulfilling these tasks will be assessed based on the specific criteria outlined in the protocol under sections 2.8 and 2.11.
Learning to learn
Added to playlist (1)
Time to complete: 8 hours



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Trainer Competitive Swimming
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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