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Trainer - Task 2.5.4 - Evaluation: Fin Swimming (optional)


Trainer - Task 2.5.4 - Evaluation: Fin Swimming (optional)



You can choose another specialization alongside competitive swimming. Only the part 'guidance in giving training' will be assessed for the specialization in fin swimming. You don't need to redo everything that overlaps with the 'guidance in training competitive swimming' protocol. Typically, you only perform 'conducts lessons' and 'explains exercises'.

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If you have earned this badge, you are capable of providing training to a group assigned to you in the specialization of your choice. You can assess and evaluate the athletes, gauging how well the group is functioning. You implement the training program and provide the appropriate instructions and guidance. Afterwards, you can evaluate how the training session went and determine areas for improvement or adjustments for the next time.
Task no.1
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The task of teaching is fulfilled when the specified result is achieved in the subtasks.

1. Within this task, you carry out the following task components. For each component, the result is stated first:
Guides athletes during training.
The results of this subtask are:
  • Guidance is tailored to the athletes.
  • The guidance supports a positive learning environment.
  • Social and physical safety is ensured.
Points of attention include:
  • Adjusts interaction style to suit the athletes.
  • Uses clear and understandable language with the athletes.
  • Motivates, stimulates, and excites the athletes.
  • Informs about sports-related matters such as sportswear, footwear, and equipment.
  • Monitors (and oversees) safety and acts in case of an emergency (accident).
  • Handles personal information confidentially in accordance with guidelines.

2. Conducts training sessions.
The results of this subtask are:
  • The lesson is coordinated with the responsible coach in consultation with the athletes.
Points of attention include:
  • Executes training preparation and/or follows instructions from the responsible coach.
  • Ensures that materials and tools are available.
  • Ensures that the training is tailored to the athletes in consultation with the responsible instructor.
  • Consults with the responsible coach.
  • Contributes to achieving the goal of the training.

3. Explains exercises
The results of this subtask are:
  • The exercise is understood by the athletes.
  • athletes' experience and learn.
Points of attention include:
  • Chooses a position tailored to the exercise.
  • Makes oneself understood. '
  • Tailors the explanation to the athletes.
  • Demonstrates exercises correctly or uses a good example.
  • Adjusts training methods if necessary based on the athletes and/or circumstances.
  • Provides instructions to the athletes in relation to the goal of the training method.
  • Checks if the athletes understand the instructions.

4. Evaluates training sessions and reflects on own actions.
The results of this subtask are:
  • The evaluation focuses on the process and result of the training.
  • Self-reflection leads to insight into one's own abilities and areas for development in guiding training sessions.
Points of attention include:
  • Participates in evaluation focused on the goal and process.
  • Adheres to professional codes.
  • Seeks feedback.
  • Expresses one's own learning needs.
  • Consults knowledge sources/experts.
  • Reflects on own actions.

Whether the task has been done well is assessed based on the points of attention provided for each task component."
Learning to learn
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Time to complete: 1 hour



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Trainer Competitive Swimming
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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