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Swim MDT - Task 2 - Getting acquainted with water - Risks and dangers in open water


Swim MDT - Task 2 - Getting acquainted with water - Risks and dangers in open water



In open water, there are very different dangers and risks than in a swimming pool. The water is murky, so it's difficult to see someone who disappears underwater. Also, if you jump or dive in, you can hit the bottom or something in the water. Waves, wind, and currents make swimming much more difficult. It's not always possible to get in and out of the water everywhere, and there may be shipping or recreational traffic that doesn't consider swimmers.

Many people also take risks by swimming too far away or going on the water with floating objects. They don't realize the dangers they face.

It's also important to know where swimming is not allowed and where the water quality is insufficient for safe swimming.

As an assistant, you become acquainted with the dangers and risks of open water, learn what is important, and can convey this to other migrants.

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Task no.1
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Participating in the workshop and being able to explain what the dangers are.
Learning to learn
Added to playlist (1)
Time to complete: 3 hours



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Swim MDT for Migrants
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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