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Swim MDT - Task 3 - Assisting in the workshop 'dangers and risks of water'.


Swim MDT - Task 3 - Assisting in the workshop 'dangers and risks of water'.



In the previous activities, you learned about the dangers and risks in various situations and circumstances. For most migrants, this is new, and many newcomers have no idea what they can and cannot do. They see Dutch people doing things and wonder why they wouldn't be able to do the same. Others are afraid and panic, or they stay at the water's edge because they think it's safer.

That's why ExpeditieRED organizes half-day introductory meetings for, for example, status holders and asylum seekers, where we show practical things and let people experience them for themselves.

As an MDT participant, you can assist during these meetings and ensure that people understand what we're telling them. This is what this activity is about.

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If you have attended the workshop, you can assist in workshops for migrants and asylum seekers, especially if you speak their language. Under the guidance of an experienced instructor from ExpeditieRED, you will help them understand the effects of water and what is dangerous and what is not.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Actively participate in the workshop and complete the tasks assigned by the instructor.
Learning to learn
Added to playlist (1)
Time to complete: 5 hours



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Swim MDT for Migrants
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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