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Instructor - Task 2.5.1 - Assessment of ABC Swimming Lessons Task


Instructor - Task 2.5.1 - Assessment of ABC Swimming Lessons Task



"If you aim to achieve KNZB Instructor 2, you will be assessed for 'guiding teaching' in Flowsparks according to this protocol. The same protocol applies to those who attain Trainer 2 with a certificate from ExpeditieRED."

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SwimLessonPro Get this badge

If you've earned this badge, you're capable of teaching a group assigned to you. You can assess participants and gauge how the group is functioning. You execute the lesson plan and provide appropriate instructions and guidance. Afterwards, you can evaluate how the lesson went and make adjustments for improvement in future sessions.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
The task of 'guiding teaching' is considered completed when the specified outcome is achieved in the subtasks. Protocol:
Within this task, you perform the following subtasks. For each subtask, the expected result is listed first:
1. Guiding athletes in lessons:
  • Guidance aligns with the athletes.
  • Guidance supports a positive learning environment.
  • Social and physical safety is ensured.
Attention points:
  • Adapt communication style to participants.
  • Use clear and understandable language.
  • Motivate, encourage, and engage participants.
  • Provide information on relevant sports matters.
  • Ensure safety and respond in case of emergencies.
  • Handle personal information confidentially according to guidelines.

2. Conducting lessons:
The lesson is tailored to participants in consultation with the responsible instructor.
Attention points:
  • Execute lesson preparation and/or follow instructions of the responsible instructor.
  • Ensure materials and aids are available.
  • Ensure the lesson is tailored to the athletes in consultation with the responsible instructor.
  • Collaborate with the responsible instructor.
  • Contribute to achieving the lesson's goal.

3. Explaining exercises:
  • Participants understand
  • engage with the exercises.
Attention points:
  • Choose a position suitable for the exercise.
  • Ensure clear communication.
  • Tailor the explanation to the athletes.
  • Demonstrate exercises correctly or provide a good example.
  • Adapt exercises as necessary to participants and/or circumstances.
  • Provide instructions related to the goal of the exercise.
  • Verify participants' understanding of the instructions.

4. Evaluating lessons and reflecting on own actions:
  • Evaluation focuses on the process
  • outcome of the lesson.
Attention points:
  • Participate in evaluation focused on the goal and process.
  • Adhere to the professional code.
  • Seek help, confirmation, and feedback.
  • Reflect on own actions.

Your performance in each subtask will be assessed based on the attention points provided.
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Time to complete: 1 hour



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Swimming Instructor
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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